why wood over u-pvc

Timber is repairable, adaptable, versatile and durable. When purchased from well managed sources, it is a sustainable, environmentally friendly resource. Boscombe Joinery believes in the importance of forestry management and carefully selects suppliers who have adopted environmental purchasing policies or certification schemes.

There are a number of reasons for choosing timber and these can include:

Wood is visually attractive and warm to the touch. It offers a multitude of beautiful colors, textures, pattern, and strengths and can be finished in a variety of ways including polishing, oiling, varnishing and painting.

Timber enables the sympathetic restoration of period properties and planning controls often restrict the use of u-PVC windows in conservation areas and in buildings of historical interest.

There are a wide range of design options and variables available as timber can be carved and moulded to suit your requirements.

The use of durable species or preservative treated timber can ensure a lifespan of at least thirty years provided simple routine maintenance is carried out.

The cellular structure of wood provides good thermal insulation. Wooden windows have a better thermal performance than steel or aluminum framed windows.


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